
当您雇用新员工时,您需要收集信息以验证就业资格并运行工资单。联邦表格W-4和I-9仅仅是开始new employee forms。您可能还需要收集特定于州的表格,包括州的W-4。状态W-4形式是什么?


州W-4的工作与联邦类似Form W-4,员工的预扣证书。雇主使用州的w -4来确定员工的州所得税预扣。各州要么使用自己的W-4表格,要么使用联邦的W-4表格。除非你的员工在一个没有州所得税的州工作,否则他们通常必须在开始一份新工作前填写W-4州税表。


阿拉斯加州, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming do not have state income tax. Most other states require employees to complete the W-4 for state taxes, unless the state imposes a flat income tax rate.


Many states use statewithholding allowances确定预扣。员工可以为自己,配偶或子女索取州征收津贴。雇员对其州W-4索赔的州税收津贴越多,您的预扣额就越少。

Most states update their W-4 forms annually. Visit your state’s website to verify you are using the most up-to-date state W-4 form.



As an employer, you may need to withhold three types of income tax from employee wages, including federal, state, andlocal income taxes。你必须将联邦和州的W-4表格分发给员工,这样你才能准确地发放工资。但是,有什么区别呢?




Because of this change, some states that previously used the federal form for state income tax withholding have created their own version of Form W-4 (e.g., Idaho). States that continue to use the federal version made changes to their state income tax structure.

这是底线:The 2020 version of the federal W-4 form may have done away with withholding allowances for federal income tax withholding. But, many states continue to use withholding allowances for state income tax withholding.


  • 科罗拉多州*(员工可以使用联邦W-4或科罗拉多州的州W-4表格)
  • Delaware* (employees can use either the federal W-4 or Delaware’s state W-4 form)
  • 爱达荷州
  • 明尼苏达州
  • Montana
  • 内布拉斯加州
  • South Carolina

These are the states that will continue to use the federal W-4 form:

  • 新墨西哥* (New Mexico uses a version of the federal W-4 that has blacked-out boxes)
  • 北达科他州
  • Utah


U.S. map showing states without state income tax, states that use the federal W-4 form, states that have a state W-4 form, and states that let employees use either the federal or state W-4 form

状态tax withholding forms chart


状态 状态W-4表格
阿拉巴马州 Form A-4,员工的预扣税豁免证书
阿拉斯加州 N/A, no state income tax
Arizona 亚利桑那州A-4,雇员的亚利桑那州预扣选举
阿肯色州 Form AR4EC, State of Arkansas Employee’s Withholding Exemption Certificate
加利福尼亚 Form DE 4, Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate
科罗拉多州 Form DR 0004, Colorado Employee Withholding Certificate
Connecticut Form CT-W4,员工的预扣证书
华盛顿 表格D-4, Employee Withholding Allowance Certificate
Delaware 特拉华W-4, Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate
Florida N/A, no state income tax
乔治亚州 Form G-4,佐治亚州雇员的预扣津贴证书
夏威夷 Form HW-4,员工的预扣津贴和状态证书
爱达荷州 形式ID W-4, Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate
伊利诺伊州 表格IL-W-4,员工和其他收款人的伊利诺伊州预扣津贴证书和说明
印第安纳州 表格WH-4,员工的预扣豁免和县身份证书
爱荷华州 Form IA W-4, Employee Withholding Allowance Certificate
堪萨斯州 表格K-4,堪萨斯州雇员的预扣津贴证书
Kentucky 表格K-4, Kentucky’s Withholding Certificate
Louisiana 表格L-4, Employee Withholding Exemption Certificate
Maine Form W-4ME,缅因州员工的预扣津贴证书
马里兰州 Form MW507, Employee’s Maryland Withholding Exemption Certificate
Massachusetts 表格M-4, Massachusetts Employee’s Withholding Exemption Certificate
密歇根州 Form MI-W4,员工的密歇根州预扣豁免证书
明尼苏达州 Form W-4MN, Minnesota Employee Withholding Allowance/Exemption Certificate
密西西比州 表格89-350-12-2, Mississippi Employee’s Withholding Exemption Certificate
密苏里州 Form MO W-4,员工的预扣证书
Montana Form MW-4, Montana Employee’s Withholding Allowance and Exemption Certificate
内布拉斯加州 形式W-4N, Employee’s Nebraska Withholding Allowance Certificate
内华达州 N/A, no state income tax
New Hampshire N/A, no state income tax
新泽西州 Form NJ-W4, Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate
新墨西哥 Form W-4,员工的预扣证书(仅适用于新墨西哥州扣押)
纽约 Form IT-2104, Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate
North Carolina 表格NC-4, Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate
北达科他州 表格W-4,Employee’s Withholding Certificate
Ohio 形式IT-4, Employee’s Withholding Exemption Certificate
俄克拉荷马州 形式OK-W-4, Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate
Oregon Form OR-W-4,俄勒冈州雇员的预扣声明和豁免证书
宾夕法尼亚州 n/a,每个人都付款扁平率除非豁免
Rhode Island RI W-4, State of Rhode Island Division of Taxation Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate
South Carolina SC W-4, South Carolina Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate
南达科他州 N/A, no state income tax
Tennessee N/A, no state income tax
德克萨斯州 N/A, no state income tax
Utah Form W-4,员工的预扣证书
佛蒙特 形式W-4VT, Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate
Virginia VA-4表格, Employee’s Virginia Income Tax Withholding Exemption Certificate
华盛顿 N/A, no state income tax
西弗吉尼亚 形式WV/IT-104,西弗吉尼亚州雇员的预扣豁免证书
威斯康星州 表格WT-4,雇员威斯康星州预扣豁免证书/新员工报告
怀俄明州 N/A, no state income tax

*Some states may require additional forms for special circumstances. Check with your state for more information.

Psst: W-4 forms aren’t the only ones you need to know about.




Employees can update their state tax withholding forms throughout the year. Be sure to collect their updated state tax forms for your records and adjust your payroll.

状态withholding and Form W-2


Boxes 15-17 on Form W-2 deal with your state. Report how much you withheld and remitted for state income tax in Box 17. Again, the amount you withheld for the year is typically based on the employee’s state W-4.

如果你的员工在一个征收州所得税的州工作,你需要收集州的W-4表格并存储在你的记录中。Keep a copy in the cloud with Patriot’s onlineHR software。人力资源软件与我们的在线集成工资单。今天就免费试用这两种吧!


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